Coalition for Progress
Coalition for Progress
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General Information | |
Organization Type |
Government/Bureaucracy |
Scale |
17 (Partial Galactic) |
Founder(s) |
Leader(s) |
Historical Information | |
Formed From | COMPOR |
Founding |
19 BBY |
Other Information | |
Era(s) | Rise of the Empire Era |
Affiliation |
- Era: Rise of the Empire Era
- Source: Home
The Coalition for Progress is the central authority and clearinghouse for the reports of all of the Sector Monitors. COMPNOR members inside and outside of the coalition simply refer to it as "Progress". Progress has grown from an understaffed and underwhelming authority on culture in the Empire to a large bureaucracy with surprising efficiency at gathering and analyzing the information which pours in from the Sector Monitors.
Recent events, however, have tied Progress much closer to the Imperial Security Bureau. They now gather low-level intelligence for the ISB, sifting through literally millions of reports on the chance of uncovering an as yet undiscovered activity of seditious groups throughout the galaxy. Any pattern of activity which strikes Progress as suspicious is analyzed, and the findings are passed on to the ISB.
Divisions of the Coalition for Progress
The Coalition for Progress subdivided into the hundreds of Sector Monitor Groups (Sector Monitor). Each Sector Monitor has its own component Art Agency (Art), Science Agency (Science), Commerce Agency (Commerce), Education Agency (Education), and Justice Agency (Justice).
Sector Monitor Group
A Sector Monitor is a collection of agencies which theoretically report on the cultural progress within a sector toward the perfection of the New Order. The Sector Monitor does rough sorting of data, largely by division type. If Progress considers data sensitive, they handle the encoding of the reports and update the COMPNOR members as to the security level of the reports to the Sector Monitor.
Below the Sector Monitor are collections of COMPNOR members dispersed throughout the systems of the sector. These collections are loosely grouped by the type of social activity on which they are reporting.
Art Agency
The Art Agencies are easily the most despised groups within Progress by most of the citizens of the Empire. The Art group reports on the suitability of art forms within their sector, trying to apply the same austere tenets of the New Order to every art form within the galaxy; sand-casting of Tatooine, transnovels of Cadomai, particplays of Besn, the dynamic holosculptures of Ediorung - all are judged by the same inflexible criteria.
To the thousands of sophisticated races who have developed their cultures over millennia, the Art group has as much right to pass judgement on art as an uneducated native has. Most would accept the native's view as more accurate.
When Art has something particularly scathing to say about a work, they attach a holopanel near the site which continuously replays their review. The intense red of the wavelength given the text in these holopanels has given the name "scarlet" to any particularly unfavorable review. "Drawing a scarlet" is now a guarantee of success on scores of worlds.
Science Agency
The Science Agencies were originally their own group within COMPNOR. A political reshuffling landed them under the wing of Progress. Science does much more than report on the political acceptability of scientific research within their sector. They actively coordinate research and development efforts geared toward enhancing scientific progress in the New Order. Many of its members are scientists of firm conscience who have resisted COMPNOR's pressure to concentrate on projects with direct military applications.
While the ISB keeps a close watch on the Science group, COMPNOR takes few reprisals against those scientists who continue to do basic research within their fields at the expense of weapons programs.
Commerce Agency
In the early days COMPNOR used the Commerce agencies to work in conjunction with the large commercial houses to design programs for economic improvement on worlds within the Empire. Successes included the Corporate Sector System Development Programs, known as D-Progs. D-Progs gave crucial and effective aid to frontier worlds which had been neglected during the collapse of the Old Republic, making them economically self-sufficient. In return, the Corporate Sector secured profitable new markets.
Other programs were less worthwhile, including the well-publicized disaster of the Native Management and Industrialization Service (NAMIS) on Gamorr.
Now Commerce is an organ for industrial espionage against large commercial houses and political strong-arming of those smaller commercial interests which might have sympathies for the seditious groups within the Empire.
Commerce wants to make certain that the Empire loses no valuable technology to agencies outside of its own control. Commerce does pass on breakthroughs produced in the Science group to those corporations which have served the Empire well in the past.
Education Agency
The Education agencies were given the mandate to homogenize the level of education throughout the Empire, to place emphasis on the values cherished by the New Order. Unlike SAGEducation, the Education agencies actually do no teaching. Instead, they generate data reports on how individual worlds should transform their educational system in order to conform with the dictates of the New Order. The Education agencies are now the subject of derision in a great majority of the sectors in the Empire.
Consequently, the Select Committee uses the Education agencies as dumping grounds for incompetents who are politically useful to retain somewhere in COMPNOR. With the exception of SAGroup, the rest of COMPNOR knows this is the case. Being reassigned to an Education agency is called being "sent to the idea dusters."
Justice Agency
The Senatorial struggle in the Old Republic left a legacy full of complications, problems of precedence and reflexivity, and inequities under the law. Justice agencies were given the job to produce a uniform legal code which would apply to the entire Empire. Unlike the Education agencies, the members of Justice realized that they would have to implement their ideas as well as present legal theories to the local systems. The legal system improved greatly with the fervent efforts of the members of Justice.
Recently, Crueya Vandron has been trying to work the idea of Imperial infallibility into the the code. His efforts have been resisted almost to a being within Justice. As a result, the ISB has been harassing individual members, occasionally trumping up charges against less prominent members in order to intimidate the more politically powerful. Progress has been assigning new members to Justice who see things the way the Emperor would like them seen.